15 September 2008

scribbles... doodles

Sometimes when you don't know what to draw, the best ideas evolve by simply scribbling or doodling. Here are some pages from the Community Sketchbook with simple scribbles and extreme doodles. All of my Scribbles-Sketches begin with other peoples' scribbles on a page, and it's nice to not have to be too concerned about making that first mark.

Here are a couple of sketchbook pages by Laurie Clarke. She's a new member to the Community Sketchbook, and I especially enjoy her mixed media artwork.

Sketchbook pages
Sketchbook pages

Arlee Barr considers this to be "markmaking," but I personally see them as interesting doodles and sketches. The glorious thing is that it's experimental work.

Danny Mansmith calls a lot of his sketches "doodles," but I ultimately consider them to be finished works of art. They're all very expressive and full of energy.
Here are his glam girls.
glam girls

If I left Megan Udell out of this doodle post, I'd be leaving a great doodle bug out of the group. The way I understand it, she especially enjoys sketching while watching TV. This sketchbook page was completed while watching Project Runway and Alton Brown. (I believe those are two shows that my rabbit ears don't get in.)
sketchbook page 26

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