08 February 2009

The bicycle wasn't what I expected!

[ PREFACE: This is an introduction to a series of short stories. The short stories use images from the Community Sketchbook, and tell simple stories about life. The images used are sketches by the Community Sketchbook artists; and of course, the rights remain their own. ]

It was a lovely day here in New York today. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining as I walked down the street this morning, reflecting on all of the beauties of the world.


The thing that hindered the beautiful beginning to my day was the bicycle that I once thought was mine had now been reclaimed by its rightful owner. Unfortunately, I had already dismantled it, stripping it of its cables and rust. Although I had spent hours working to create something simple and new, I realized that the only right thing to do was to return it to its owner in one piece... not the dozen that it was currently in.
sketchbook page eighty-four
So I set to work re-assembling the bits and pieces. The only problem remained that I had never attempted a feat of this sort before. You see, I wanted a naked bicycle, not one with gears and brakes!
This task really caused my brain to hurt and made me want to escape.

Now that the bike is back in one piece, I can finally feel somewhat accomplished (and pleased) that the owner will once again have her sentiment that belongs to this possession.

Now, only one problem remains: I need another bike to re-create. And the other thing is... I feel overworked and underpaid!
overworked & underpaid 30-1-08


arlee said...

Shawna, this is both hilarious and poignant! Thanks for the "inclusion" :} A wonderful concept for illustration and story telling.

sHandke ART said...

Arlee, I'm pleased that I could amuse you! And that sketch you created above is lovely.