12 September 2008

Illustration Friday

I don't know how many of you Community Sketchbook people are familiar with Illustration Friday, but I think it's a fun place to find a weekly challenge. Maybe we should begin challenging one another to create a sketch using the word that Illustration Friday posts every Friday of each week. So in response to that challenge, the word to create a sketch for this week is "island." Feel free to post your sketches in the flickr group as usual, or contact me to send me your sketch.

Here is the illustration from last week. The theme was "clutter." So check out the artist, Nessa Dee's response.

And I believe this was the etsa.sketch response.



Unknown said...

Wow - I really like them both!

Nessa Dee said...

Thank you, Shawna for the nice comments, and sharing my illustration on your site! I really appreciate it! I love this site idea!

arlee said...

Bring it on, Baby :}