03 April 2009

Kids' Sketches

I thoroughly enjoy viewing childrens' drawings, so I decided to showcase a few young artists' sketches. I feel like we adults have a lot to learn from a child; especially the freedom of expression. Most children have no inhibitions when they create!

The young artist John Woolley is a fourth grader who keeps an elaborate journal and creates some fascinating drawings and paintings.

WATER COLOR SET by John Woolley
"WATER COLOR SET " by John Woolley / 9 years old.

Another young artist, Maya drew this for her mother. She is also quite talented. I really enjoy the repetition of the shapes on the owl's body.
OWL Sketch by Maya
OWL Sketch

Malcom is one other amazingly talented young artist who was six when he created this drawing. I really enjoyed seeing the layered dinosaurs in this sketch. Click here to view all of his artwork.
dinos by Malcom

One more young artist that I need to mention is a five-year old girl, Sophia. I had her over one afternoon while I lived in Boston, and she created quite the gallery in my apartment.

This is merely an example of a few talented young individuals we should be watching as they continue creating amazing art.


Sam said...

Maya's owl is awesome! What a talent! Just discovered your blog - it's terrific!

frauhaus said...

Thanks for this post -- I showed Malcolm and he was quite honored! He loves to draw and gets a lot of inspiration from other artists on Flickr.